Welcome to my blog 👋

January 23, 2024 (1 month ago)

I'm very excited to finally launch my blog!


I built this blog with the combination of following technologies:

The combination of these tools leads to an awesome developer experience, while also ensuring a really fast and optimized website.

I also used a few components from the shadcn/ui components library, which provides seamless integration, tidy and clean design that fits into the vibe of the whole website.


I envisioned this website to have a very minimalist design. I really love Lee Robinson's personal website - leerob.io, which was a huge source of inspiration for me ✨ Likewise, Pedro Duarte's personal website - ped.ro has such fantastic vibes, and I borrowed a few ideas from there 🙏


On this blog, I will try to describe the newest React and React Native concepts that are coming to the framework, especially from the web world.


Thanks for reading this blog post and I hope you will like the blog posts that I'll be publishing here in the nearest future!